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demagogic (adjective), more demagogic, most demagogic
1. Pertaining to a political leader who seeks support by appealing to popular desires and prejudices of the voters rather than by using rational arguments: People often experience the presentations of demagogic politicians who are running for various offices in governments around the world!
2. Etymology: from Greek demagogos which came from demos, "‘the people" + agogos, "leading"; from agein, "to lead".

In ancient Greece and Rome, a reference to a leader or orator who supported the cause of the common people.

A reference to an insincere politician.
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demagogical, demagogic, (adjective); more demagogical, most demagogical; more demagogic, most demagogic
Concerning a politician who panders to great numbers of people for egoistical purposes: The young politician seemed to be demagogical in that he appealed to the emotions of the crowds instead of presenting reasonable or rational arguments.